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Esd хүснэгт Монгол

ESD table — A very important tool used to protect electronic parts. It prevents a phenomenon called electrostatic discharge, which can be deadly to these components. Electrostatic discharge occurs when static electricity builds up in one place, which can lead to problems definitively remove delicate electronics. ESD tables are constructed from special materials which do not permit static electricity to build up, making protecting your electronics and components a permanent task. This SFC is helpful for those who are looking to handle all electronic parts with safety. LEENOL ESD Ширээний дэвсгэр not only increase your efficiency but also help you save precious time more than you can imagine at work. 

How ESD Tables Protect Sensitive Electronics and Components

Static electricity (ESD) is extremely harmful for sensitive electronic components. This is particularly true after key phases in your process such as manufacture, testing, and assembly of these elements. ESD table safely grounds workers so they can work on assemblies and products without the risk of damage. The ESD table dissipates the static electricity safely when it builds up while someone is working. That means that the parts have less chance to get hurt. At Leenol, the ESD industrial table are made using the most current and advanced technology in the industry to ensure that your components do not incur damage either during the production process or while being stored. You concentrate on your job and not one little issue, to do it this way. 

Why choose LEENOL Esd table?

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